
Spiritual Life Coaching

We are living fast paced lives that has us under the illusion of separation which can cause physical, mental, and emotional ailments such as chronic pain, fatigue, excessive anger, anxiety and depression. During these 6 sessions together we practice spiritual integrated therapy. to align you to live the best human experience in this lifetime.

In addition to 1:1 private sessions, you will also be added to a spiritual healing group that I facilitate on a weekly basis. This includes yoga, mediations, and healings in a virtual group setting.

If you wish to continue with treatments and sessions, the cost of sessions is decreased to a maintenance cost, though all services remain the same.

Initial Series (6 sessions) $995

Maintenance (6 sessions) $810

Please contact me if you need help scheduling your first session or do not find a time/date that works for you.

Intuitive Tarot Reading

Are you looking to hear from a passed loved one, answers to a decision that needs to be made, or insight into deeper healing along your journey? In these private one on one sessions your spirit team is called in to speak to you through the Rider Tarot deck and other oracle decks. Each session is tailored to the needs of the individual.

30mins $75

60mins $150

Join the Spiritual  Facebook Community here! On this Facebook page there are monthly live free readings!

Astrology Readings

Astrology is a beautiful marriage of ancient cosmic processes and the art of intuition. During these readings we will look to the skies and go through your chart step by step to explore parts of your Self and your experiences in present time for clarification, guidance, and healing.

All sessions are virtual and recorded for the client to keep.

Natal Chart - 75mins $150

Transit Chart + Natal Chart - 90mins $200

Massage Therapy

Each massage session is specifically tailored to the client’s physical, mental, and emotional needs. Massage Therapy dates back thousands of years and is effective in reducing stress and increasing relaxation by reducing pain, muscle soreness, and tension. Massage techniques include Swedish, Deep Tissue, Table Thai Stretching, Lomi Lomi and Prenatal

60mins $90

90mins $135


Reiki is an ancient Japanese form of energy healing in which the therapist channels energy for the patient by using light touch to activate a natural healing process to restore vitality and well being. Crystals are typically used to help assist in the energy session

60mins $90
90mins $135

Massage & Crystal Reiki Healing

During these private one on one sessions. you will receive a combination of massage therapy to target the muscle tissues and joints, and Reiki healing to target the mental/emotional and energetic components of the self. You will leave this session feeling calm, at peace, and rejuvenated in your body, mind, and soul. Each session is tailored to the needs of the individual.

90mins $135

Tarot Reading and Reiki

During this 90 minute session you will receive a 30 minute Tarot and Oracle reading followed by a 60minute Reiki Crystal treatment. This is a wonderful combination of mental and emotional energy healing.

90mins $165

Intuitive Tarot Report

This is perfect for anyone looking for some insight on an area in their life, but not wanting to book a full reading. Request an individual intuitive report to be emailed to you. You may ask specific questions or request a general reading, or advice. A full report will be emailed to you within 24 hours that includes pictures of your cards and descriptions, as well as an energy read for you and your request/question/inquiry. If you have specific questions, please indicate them in the request.
*Select the first available date/time when requesting a report, it’s OK if it is a future date, the report will be generated the day of booking,not of the booking date itself. Or contact me for report assistance.

Report $50

Yoga & Meditation

Yoga unites the mind, body, and soul in a way that eases tension, reduces inflammation, and promotes health and well being. Regular practice will help you reach improve and perfect poses, correct posture and positioning, and improve your breathing and outlook on life. During these private 1:1 sessions or small group sessions we will practice a variety of yoga asana and meditation.
30min $50
60min $90

Monday nights on Zoom and Facebook 7-8pm

All content is stored on a private Facebook group for Members to access anytime they would like.

Private Healing Circles 

Gather a group of your friends, family, or loved ones for 2 hours of intuitive readings and healing. Sessions may be tailored to yoga, meditations, readings, massage, etc. the combination possibilities are endless! Great for couples, bachelorette parties, friendship gatherings, family members, etc.

$250 for up to 5 people*
Additional $40pp and max is 10people

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Disclaimer: Each client’s psychic/mediumship consultation is subject to the client’s own personal interpretation. The information provided does NOT constitute legal, psychological, medical, business or financial advice. Each client receiving the consultation is responsible for his/her own choices and/or actions.